Real Men Go Tomorrow
Anyway, past that is the athletics complex, and past that is Stanmer Park, which is where the festival was being held. It's also, apparently, huge. One minute I'm on a sidewalk bordered by trees and buildings, and the next thing I know I'm in an enormous meadow.
The sky was thick with kites. The smaller ones don't show up very well, unfortunately, and even with the bigger ones, the pictures don't convey just how big they were.
There was one, however, that caught my attention as soon as I entered the park. In the first kite picture, it's just barely visible in the center of the shot, but trust me, even from several hundred feet away it was a presence. I didn't think I was going to really investigate the festival, since I'm "officially" going tomorrow with a group of students, but I had to check out that one kite and get a shot of it.
Again, there's no real sense of size, but just to give you an idea of how massive it is, it had its own kite to help keep it aloft. That's a big kite.
Eventually, I stopped all this screwing around and caught the bus into town. I neglected to mention last week that the gypsies had moved on, but... they gypsies had moved on. I was pretty intrigued by this. There were so many questions to answer. Where did they go? And so on. There were other questions, I assure you. I was a bit disappointed that I'd never gotten a picture of their encampment before they migrated, but as luck would have it, today they were back! So I got this rather bad picture from my seat on the bus across the street. At long last, I can make that Borat reference I promised days ago. Get ready for it! Here it comes!
Man, that was so worth the wait.
So, the British movie theater. I have a list of weird things I noticed.
- There are "premium" and "standard" seats. As all the premium seats were sold, I couldn't tell you what the difference is, apart from the fact that premium seats are more expensive.
- Assigned seating. I got to pick my seat (J18), but it was still odd. I don't know what to make of it, really. I can see it from both sides. I have to admit the selfish side of me likes the idea of not being asked if I could move down a seat.
- The box office is inside the theater, and the ticket sellers aren't behind bulletproof plexiglass.
- Showtimes are a little more sporadic. The new Jet Li movie Fearless has only one showing a day, Sunday through Thursday, at 8:15. Superman Returns only plays for a week. And so on.
- Two Pingu movies. Two? We wouldn't even have one. Who does this Pingu think he is?
- Self-serve concessions. It's more like a 7-11 than the movie theater concessions I'm used to. You can even get your own popcorn from a dispenser. Crazy.
- I guess you can bring in outside food and nobody cares, because I saw a few patrons with Haägen Dazs ice cream that was definitely purchased outside the theater.
- There's no "going in early." It's much more like stage theater. At this particular Odeon, everyone waits around for an attendant to open a door which leads to five separate screens, and he doesn't open it until 15 minutes before showtime.
- There are ushers. Ushers in the conventional sense, with flashlights, even, who show people to their seats instead of just walking up and down the aisles for no apparent reason.
- Lots of commercials, but they're honest about it. No "The Twenty" or "First Look" here. Also, the commercials are better.
- After the trailers, the curtains close on the screen again and the lights come back up for about five minutes before dimming for the feature presentation. I have no idea why. Trailers-to-feature presentation is such a nice, smooth transition -- why interrupt it? I don't get it.
I must've misunderstood the movie listings I read online, because Superman Returns doesn't open until next week here. However, I'd made the commitment and was determined to see something, despite my disappointment. First choice was Fearless, but like I said, it only plays five days a week, and Saturday ain't one of 'em. So I went with Pirates, which had a ton of showings. I think it must have opened here the same day it opened in the States, because the theater was jam-packed.
The capsule review of Pirates: it was pretty good. Not without its flaws, certainly, but entertaining and worth your £6.50 (no student discounts after 2 pm!). Johnny Depp does his Dudley-Moore's-Arthur-as-a-pirate thing again, naturally. Where would we be without his effeminate mincing? It drags at times, and I found myself wondering what the point of "this" was, but there's a set piece near the end on a water wheel that's worth at least the price of admission. So go see it, but have the first one fresh in your mind when you do, because the film operates on that assumption (the consequences of not being well-versed in The Curse of the Black Pearl can range from not noticing that you just missed an inside joke to asking your neighbor "What just happened?"). And stay through the credits.
Afterwards, I got a tasty Cornish pasty at Churchill Square and wandered over to the downtown branch of Sainsbury's to buy some groceries. I had to go to the bathroom the whole time, but I couldn't find a public toilet. And the local linguistic idiosyncrasies weren't helping matters any.
You are right! I *can* post a comment without need for complete full registry of my personal details. Hurray!!
Listen, I have to tell you -- I ended up seeing Pirates soon after we talked yesterday. Was pretty lost (could have used a refresher on The Black Pearl) and definitely have lost my appetite for most shellfish. Other than that (and sitting next to a boy who I believe had Turets...shouting out at the top of his lungs at times you never anticipated) it was thoroughly enjoyable. We should compare notes.
glad to see you captured the gypsies--they look like rv'ers to me--any golden earrings?
saw Superman Returns and thought it stood up against the other Super competition (not Pirates of course).
Great! So, like... who are you...? I'm not saying you have to register, but a name would, y'know... help.
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