Monday, June 26, 2006

Big Scary Human

6/26/06, 11:56 am

General panic today. The orientation didn't clear anything up, but at least it finished early. Near the end, they asked everyone but the UC students to leave (our UC guy from London was there to say hello), and when the dust cleared the theater was still mostly full. I'd say we make up about two-thirds of the student body this summer. In fact, everyone I've met is a UC student. On the ground floor of 10 Park Village, there are two UCI students and a UC Davis student, plus a UCSD student who hangs out with the Davis guy. What're their names? Chris, and... someone. Whatever. I have eight weeks to learn them.

Anyway, the panic was a result of not knowing when or where my class is today, but by 11:30 I'd managed to learn all that. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday (they don't believe in Friday classes here), 1:00-3:00, Arts A183. I hunted it down immediately, because otherwise, knowing me, I'd head out at 12:40 and still be looking for it 15 minutes later.

After that I got a panini for lunch and went outside to eat it. There's no good way to say this: A seagull stole half of it. I'm sitting there, minding my own business, when this bloody great seagull swoops down towards me. I'm thinking “He couldn't be coming right for me – I'm a big scary human.” But no, he does a touch and go and flies off with half my sandwich. Fortunately, two UCLA girls were walking by just then to witness me at my lowest. I mean, we all laughed about it, and it was really funny, but I did look like an idiot. Still, now all three of us have a story to tell (for the record, I did have my camera on me but completely forgot about it in the heat of the moment). I knew it was a bad idea to buy lunch. As soon as I have a chance to get to the Asda I'm buying some real groceries.

So I went to the little convenience store run by the student union and got bread and peanut butter as a backup. They had “American style” peanut butter. I have no idea what that is.

And now it's raining. About time!


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